+353 (0)1 833 9856 [email protected]


We can only accept Appointment requests by Telephone (NB: email requests not accepted).

Call Fairview Medical Centre On: (01) 8339856

Please book your appointment a few days in advance for non-urgent items.

We have an emergency clinic each morning.  This is not a walk in service, you need to phone the surgery beforehand.

Mask Policy

To protect our vulnerable patients and staff, please ensure to wear a mask if you have any respiratory symptoms when attending the practice.

D-Doc out of hours service – 6pm – 8am Mon-Fri and weekends 8am – 8am Sat, Sun & Bank Holidays
DDOC Tel: 1850 22 44 77

Home » Appointments

Same Day Appointments:

For routine doctor consultations please try to book up to two weeks in advance.

We know that you cannot predict when you will become unwell. For these unforeseen events, you may want to see a doctor of your choice.

Each doctor reserves a small number of on the day appointments can only be booked on that day. This allows you to see a doctor of your choice should the need arise. 

These appointments are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

We would advise calling early to avail of a same day appointment.

Please note Doctor Appointment Slots are for 10 minute consultations.

The doctors do their best to keep their appointments on schedule.  

Please assist us by arriving in good time for your appointment and if you have a number of conditions, it may be necessary to book separate appointments to allow sufficient time to address these.

Emergency Appointments

Each morning we have a doctor on duty for acute medical conditiions.  These calls maybe first triaged over the phone by the doctor. This service is for registered patients of the practice only.

This surgery appointments are used for emergency/urgent situations only.  Appointments may be allocated for Telephone/Video Consultations or Onsite Appointments.

We will not deal with routine items such as check-ups, repeat prescriptions, paperwork etc.

Given the nature of an emergency surgery, appointments may run behind schedule.  We expect that Patients with Telephone Consultations will be phoned no later than 1 hour from their appointment time.  

For emergencies after 6pm and weekends please contact DDOC (1850 22 44 77)

New Online Booking System

We have introduced a New Online Booking System for our patients. Only registered patients of Fairview Medical Centre can avail of this.  If you are not currently a patient or if you have difficulty booking online call the surgery on 018339856 to make an appointment.

Pippo is an online patient booking portal that links directly to our GP’s practice management system in Fairview Medical Centre. At the moment this Pippo website or App allows you to book Baby vaccines, Smear Tests and Well Woman BP check Monthly pill.   We will be opening up Flu and Covid vaccine appointments over the coming weeks.   Additional appointment types will be made available on a phased basis.

Once your Account is Setup, on the Pippo website /  App it is very easy to see free slots and book a suitable appointment for you, without having to call the practice.   Click Here to Register.  

Your appointment will show as pending, and you will receive a confirmation text and email within minutes.

PARENTS – you can book appointments for your children by downloading the app and registering YOURSELF FIRST and then adding your child(ren) as DEPENDANTS. Please note that dependants in Pippo are children under 18 years

House Calls

House calls are reserved only for very elderly housebound and immobile patients. We provide this service in the local area, Fairview, Marino, Clontarf and Drumcondra only.

All house call requests are triaged via telephone consultation by the doctor and we will not routinely do house calls unless discussed and deemed essential by a doctor in the practice. We will only take house call requests from a family member who provides regular care to the patient.

We ask that house call requests are made before 10.30 am.

We do our house calls between 12 and 1:30pm.

For house calls after 6pm, please contact DDOC (1850 22 44 77)

Cancellation Notice

For all appointment booking types

Please notify us ASAP if you cannot keep you appointment booking so we can offer this to anther patient.
We retain a list of on the day appointment requests for any cancellations that we receive, where sufficient notice is given.
We may not be able to continue to provide services for patients who have a history of not attendance and not servicing any/sufficient cancellation notice.


01 8339856 


37-39 Fairview Strand, Dublin 3, D03 F8C2 

Clinic Hours

Mon-Thurs: 8am – 5.30pm
Fri 8am – 5pm
All by Appointment